Recognize your own talents and develop them in a targeted manner
Through the sensible use of test procedures such as intelligence tests or personality tests, companies can identify potential in their own workforce and develop talent in a targeted manner. Nothing should be left to chance, especially in the areas of succession planning and management development.
We have the necessary business-psychological know-how and are happy to support you in the selection and application of suitable test procedures.
With an individual test battery to guarantee success
In order to create a real basis for decision-making, whether in personnel selection or personnel development processes, a few points must be observed. A detailed requirements profile offers a transparent starting position and the test procedures used should always be part, never the sole part, of creating a basis for decision-making. At least as important are structured interview guidelines and an objective assessment of your CV, references, etc.
By developing coordinated test batteries, the suitability and differentiation of applicants can be up to almost 100%. In almost all areas. Whether intelligence test, performance test or personality test. Objectivity, reliability and validity are just as important to us in the test procedures we use as your satisfaction.
Objectivity in test execution is extremely important. In addition, as is well known, not easy in selection processes. We would be happy to train your employees and advise you on creating a fair basis for decision-making.
The test methods we use have good to very good reliabilities in the range of .75 – .95. We are also able to consider confidence intervals and critical differences when results are tight.
The predictive validity of a good intelligence test has been proven to have the same validity as an assessment center that lasts several days and is many times more expensive.