Recruiting with a look behind the skullcap

The selection and recruitment of candidates who are not only qualified to perform the actual job, but also fit in with the corporate culture and
The people in charge are particularly concerned to ensure that the values of the company fit in with the value system they live by.
A defined corporate culture as well as a (pre-)lived value system are the fuel for healthy and successful companies, but need “like-minded people” at all levels and structures to function sustainably.
The professional fit of the applications received can be assessed relatively easily on the basis of the application documents. Structured interviews also allow the non-obvious skills of the applicants to be presented. But what if applicants intentionally or even subconsciously present themselves in line with the values of the hiring company in order to increase their chances of being hired?
Even if the motives of those applicants who strategically adapt to the hiring company are altruistic in nature (e.g. applicant urgently needs the job to feed the family), a conflict or a corresponding incompatibility can arise here for applicants in the medium to long term.
Even the most experienced recruiters with a strong understanding of human nature quickly reach their limits here. What can then remedy the situation is to look behind the skullcap.In this context, aptitude diagnostics tests can be an effective means of identifying the actual motives, knowledge and characteristics, especially with regard to professional orientation, social skills or psychological constitution.
Since the evaluations of these test procedures can offer a great deal of scope for interpretation, appropriate competence is required here for implementation.
Everything in moderation.
Of course, such aptitude-diagnostic test procedures and job-related personality analyses are not used for every recruitment, but the application of these tests is particularly recommended for key positions, positions with high fluctuation (as an instrument to identify reasons for fluctuation and to recruit precisely based on this) or in reorganization processes.
In the area of personnel development, in the promotion of young talent, in succession planning or in the course of a feedback discussion, some test procedures can provide precise information and show the development and development potential of employees and managers.
It is also not uncommon for a company’s strategic direction to change fundamentally – whether as a result of technological progress, a dynamic corporate environment or other direct and indirect influences.
The question that then arises is a principle of strategic management. Does the new strategy follow the existing structure or does the new strategy form the basis of a new structure? Suitability diagnostics and job-related personality analyses can therefore paint an accurate picture of the existing workforce, on the basis of which appropriate recommendations for action can be derived.